Tipster Competition Winners for 06-2024

tipster competition winners

Here are the Tipster Competition Winners for 06-2024 for the Active Tipster Competitions.

First of all we want to congratulate our winners in all the competitions!

To explain Pro 300 Tipster Competition, we will give the prizes in order for over 70% Hit Rate and after we will drop to over 60% Hit Rate and take it from the top.

Still going in 2024 and better! Support by opening a bet365 account through us and we will double the bet365 prize with Real Money! Check out bet365 Extra Tipster Competition v2. €200 in Bet Credits from bet365 + €400 Money Prizes through Skrill, Neteller or Paypal.
-In order to receive the bet365 prize, tipster must have a funded and active bet365 account (not necessarily through our link).
-In order to receive the extra Cash Prize the user has to open the account through our link, deposit and wager €10 in the competition month.

Down below we have the screenshots with all the competitions standings and winners. 300 Tipster Competition v2

Pro 300 Tipster Competition v2

bet365 Extra Tipster Competition v2

Most Viewed Prediction & Tipster Competition

Don’t forget to please read all rules carefully: “-Tipsters must send some examples (via email or through Contact form) where they have placed their predictions or tipster profile.”

Also don’t forget about Rule 0.2 – combine that rule with this competition and you will have the chance to win more.

As an alternative to the Rule 0.2 – instead of the recommendation link, the tipster can also leave a honest review on Trustpilot – it doesn’t have to be 5 stars, just leave your honest review with 5, 4, 3 or 2 stars. You can even give 1 star, we are not perfect and we want to improve

Good luck to everyone next month!

41 comments to Tipster Competition Winners for 06-2024
  • krasilala  says:

    My reward is not there yet. Tanks.

    • Bettors Club  says:

      Hello, do you know how to claim the bet365 prize? If not please contact bet365 support to explain. If the prize is still not there, please get back and we will talk with them.

      • krasilala  says:

        We didn’t understand each other. I will be grateful for assistance from Bettors.Club

        • Bettors Club  says:

          Hello, we have talked with bet365, the prize should be there now. We are sorry for this problem.

          • krasilala  says:

            Prized received successfully, thanks.

  • munya06  says:

    Prized received successfully thanks

  • hamkam  says:

    Prize received, many thanks to Bettors Club for fair competition.

  • kichwa  says:

    Thanks once again for the prizes.

    I just need to add on complains,well its good thing to complain it implies the company is alive and growing.

    But there is no need as a tipster bringing brands of other companies in the conversation here, its unethical. No hard feelings my colleague, just avoid that @Prospurs19, is a separate entity not a pool table.

  • midas  says:

    Once again thanks for the prize!! This site always sends prizes, even if they are sometimes late but no problem! I like to think that we are the bettors because this is a club and i encourage every bettor here to recommend this site somewhere! This site deserves it!!

  • valderamma  says:

    Thank you for the prize. One of the best sites competition, even I would say the site number one

  • ulichridlo  says:

    I think this site running fairly competitions 😘.

  • ivantsochev  says:

    Hello, team! I just voted for your site in Trustpilot. So rule 0.2. is completed. Best wishes from Bulgaria. You are really the best site in this sphere. Have a nice day!

    • Bettors Club  says:

      Hello ivantsochev, if you added a review on trustpilot, rule 0.2 is ok every month. Thanks for the kind words! Have a nice day!

  • Bettors Club  says:

    @prospurs19 – Let us explain, you added a manual prediction on 2024-06-21 03:49 UTC+0 and the match played on 2024-06-21 12:20 UTC+0. So basically you wanted and still insist to win this competition with a prediction that is not for this 24 hours competition? You really don’t see a problem with this?
    You are also saying that you are on this site for so long, but how is it possible that you did not read the rules, for so long. Because we have 0.1 (for so long), it’s very clear. Any “mistakes” should be commented or emailed. We have tipsters here that even comment a wrong league when they add a manual prediction, something that is not that important. And they always comment the date change for a match.
    You said this: “This match I posted more than 24hrs before it was to be played from your livescore site.”
    Our team restored the match from our archive, the first start of the match was 2024-06-21 11:30 UTC+0, check below–Jacquemot-vs-J–Ponchet/tennis/2420585/

    • se7en  says:

      i think you admins are too nice with these kind of guys. a cheater will always be a cheater in my opinion, just close his account. prospurs19 has no respect for the tipsters here, its obvious he wanted to cheat. when he added the won for sure he noticed the wrong time but did not want to comment because it was ok for him. and know he amazingly knows how to comment, he should actually apologize to the rest of the tipsters for wanting to cheat

      • prospurs19  says:

        Se7en cheat ?? What’s there to cheat about?? On this site I have 4 chances to make the winner’s list and it could be more if I participate in the bet365 competition.

        On the site OLBG I’ve been a member since 2017 and just like here I could go months without making a tip. Take this month for instance, I’ve added less than 30 tips for 3 sports when there’s so many sport to try to win.

        • se7en  says:

          looks like you think you are the best tipster in the world. just play fair and win if you are that good, its simple. btw if this site was olbg, your account was already closed for this behaviour.

          • prospurs19  says:

            Forget it. We won’t get anywhere with this back and forth…

  • portaltip  says:

    I want to say to the admins on the site good job and keep the improving things, hope you all doing well.


  • prospurs19  says:

    This match I posted more than 24hrs before it was to be played from your livescore site. I

    • Bettors Club  says:

      If that match was on our live score, why did you add it manually?

      • prospurs19  says:

        Because it had no odds yet. Like most low level tennis match the odds don’t come up quickly

        • Bettors Club  says:

          In the first comment you said it’s not manual, now you say it’s manual. To clarify, we know every prediction that is added manual or from our live score, because our team must verify all manual predictions. We even know when you added the manual outcome, on 2024-06-23 00:33 UTC+0 and our team canceled it on 2024-07-02 10:41 UTC+0, every modification is in a log that cannot be deleted. We canceled it because you added the start time on 2024-06-22 11:00 UTC+0 and the match played on 2024-06-21 12:20 UTC+0, that’s almost a 24 hours difference mistake and if it was lost you could have deleted it. So we did not consider that you tried to cheat and just canceled it, thinking that it’s a honest mistake… but now with this whole situation, it kind of looks like you tried to cheat especially for this competition. We sincerely want to believe that this was an honest mistake.

          • prospurs19  says:

            I have been on this site for so long that it doesn’t make sense for me to try cheating now. I said it wasn’t a manual pick as I don’t remember making a manual pick until you mentioned it … now cheating would mean I had knowledge of the outcome before but as you can see I didn’t.

            Now the result was updated after the month ended which undoubtedly gave me no chance to make amends.

    • prospurs19  says:

      I think if you check my overall stats you’d see I can go many months without making a tip here … its not so important..
      But for this particular match I clearly saw it was scheduled for 22nd before making the tip.

      Now according to the info you provided I uploaded the results on the 23rd at midnight and then processed to add more tips for the next day.

      Now after this match I added 8 more tips before the month ended so it was not like a last ditch attempt to win.

      If this had been corrected earlier would I not have made 1/2 more tips to make the difference

      • se7en  says:

        this is what guys that have multiple accounts do, dont post tips every month because they have other accounts. please admins, check for multiple accounts. yeah, its not important, thats why he left all comments from the beginning, really not important to prospurs19

      • Bettors Club  says:

        Let us explain again, you tried to force a prediction that is not for the 24 hours competition. Even now, you perfectly knew that the time was incorrect and you tried to force it again, that is totally unfair, especially to other tipsters that added their predictions correctly. So regardless if you made a mistake or not, that mistake should have been reported by rule 0.1 and now knowing all of this, you are still trying to explain that somehow that prediction should be counted for this competition.
        “If this had been corrected earlier would I not have made 1/2 more tips to make the difference”
        You did add more tips, after that prediction you added 10 more predictions with over 24 hours and not 8 as you say. Also understand that this correction we made can be considered cheating, because of rule 0.1. So it’s not normal for you to make mistakes and our team is not bound to make corrections the next day so that you will know if you have to add more predictions or the mistakes you made are ok to win in competitions. Exactly that’s why we have rule 0.1.

        • prospurs19  says:

          I remember the year 2020 on bettingexpert where I was denied a prize because my brother created a new account using my phone and made 3 tips.

          3 tips can’t even be considered competing cause you needed at least 8.

          Everything I said made no difference as they said it was the rule.. so I guess its the same 🙂

          I’m done with this!!

  • prospurs19  says:

    I was busy following zeego98 matches on the last day as he had the potential to go ahead of me but one of his 1st half [ov 0.5] failed to score at halftime..

    Salashy had already accepted 2nd position and even deleted his tip for the Spain game … so 1st place was all but guaranteed for me . … until you brought this list which I don’t accept

    • Bettors Club  says:

      Please leave a link with the match

    • prospurs19  says:

      The only matches I’ve had to add manually is handball.

      This was added from your livescore.. on the said date I only made 2 tips and both were for this competition.

      I didn’t add a single match manually last month

  • prospurs19  says:

    I already sent you an email regarding this issue.. but I know for a certain up until the last minute of the month I was 19/27 whic is a 70% hit rate

  • zexy1990  says:

    Pro 300 tipster competition,,,what is the Hit rate of 17 picks and won 10,maybe I don’t calculate well it’s not 70% can you correct it admin. I don’t how do you calculate it # number 4

    • Bettors Club  says:

      jayglitch2xr has 17 picks, 10 won, 5 lost and 2 half won. The half won and half lost are not showing in this table as a number but are calculated in the Hit Rate. The calculation is automatic you can check it out in the live standings by selecting “Last Month” and “Hit Rate” instead of “Profit”

      • zexy1990  says:

        What do you mean by half win, this time it seems like you change rules without telling us admin,you see there are complaints here. So if 2 half won it means he won 11÷17=64%.

        • Bettors Club  says:

          This is how the platform works from 2015, the hit rate is calculated automatically, it cannot be modified. Half win (profit) is a win in Hit Rate, Half Lost (profit) is a Lost in Hit Rate and Void (money return) is also a Lost in Hit Rate. The statistics are live every month, anyone can change and see the Hit Rate Live. On the Live Standings, press on Profit tab, change to Hit Rate and after that click on the Update button. This is not a secret and no one is changing rules, everything is more than transparent!

          • zexy1990  says:

            I get you admin,may God bless the site

        • se7en  says:

          zexy1990 is living under a rock until the final standings is posted. all standings are visible for this month and last month, change to hit rate is visible every time for every tipster for as long as i can remember here

  • prospurs19  says:

    I had 27 tips and 19 winner in the Pro 300 competition.

    Check the results again

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